Earth Crystal

You are an energy transformer, between Heaven and Earth, bringing and transforming energy into the physical plane.

Breath regularly and deeply into the diaphragm. Go into silence, calming your mind. Focus first on your root at the base chakra, feeling a connection going deep into the earth. Feel or imagine the energy flowing up from the earth, through your spine. Now focus at your heart, drawing energy up from the earth with each breath. Let this lovely warmth build up and spread through you.

Now focus on your crown chakra, bringing energy down from the sky with each breath. Bring this energy down to your heart, where it mingles and dances with the energy from the earth.

You are an energy transformer, between Heaven and Earth, bringing and transforming energy into the physical plane. Let that energy spread out around the earth from your heart.

Now visualise the Earth as being a wonderful huge crystal. Send your love and energy from the heart down into the Earth, balancing and healing Her and all Humanity. Crystals are amplifiers of conscious intent, so the Earth crystal will amplify your love and intent and re-broadcast this vibration throughout the world.

Tone if you wish, carrying your healing intent, or remain in silence – whatever feels right.

Sit in silence for a while, until you are ready to return, focussing your thoughts back on your heart.

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